You May Not Even Know if You’ve Suffered a Concussion

You probably are well aware of the dangers of a head injury. The media has given it a lot of attention, especially when it comes to concussions. Many high schools have even taken steps to make their high school athletes more aware of the risks of concussions, and of treating them quickly and properly.
But there’s one thing you may not know about a concussion: you may not even be aware that you had or have one.
Initial Signs of a Concussion
That’s right—many people suffer a head injury, but then think they are fine. And there is no one checklist to tell you how you know whether or not you’ve had a concussion.
Certainly, blacking out at the scene of an accident can be a telltale sign of a concussion. But even that may not help, because believe it or not, some people don’t even recall blacking out—they may just notice they don’t have any direct recollection of the events that happened immediately after the accident.
Many blackouts are quick and fleeting, just seconds out of consciousness, so quick that you may not even know the blackout happened, and thus, you wouldn’t even think to see if you sustained a concussion.
The best evidence that you have sustained a concussion, may be the observations of those who came to your aid immediately after the accident. They may note that you were stunned, confused, or “not yourself” immediately after an accident.
After the Accident
You can look for some common concussion symptoms. But many of them may not even show until days after the accident.
Some symptoms may mimic those that you would have, just in your everyday life (although they will be much worse after a concussion).For example, excessive irritability, fatigue, lack of focus, or headaches are common signs. The same goes for just feeling “foggy.”
Of course, there are signs that are more serious, and which should immediately tip you off that you may have sustained a concussion.
For example, you may be nauseous, have trouble remembering things, or have problems with your vision. You may be bothered by excessive light or noise.
Concussions can even cause you to lose bladder or bowel control, or to have a depressed pulse rate. You may even notice fluid coming out of your ears or your nose. These are all serious signs that you may have sustained a significant concussion.
Don’t Ignore Head Injuries
Any head injury should be taken seriously. Aside from the fact that saying you “just have a concussion” is dangerous, there are other kinds of brain and head injuries that you can sustain in an accident, which can mimic the signs and symptoms of a concussion. Some can be potentially life threatening.
Did you suffer a head injury in any kind of accident? Call the Boston personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Joseph Linnehan, Jr. today at 617-275-4200 for help.