Safety Inside A Rideshare Vehicle

In a rideshare accident, you have two things to worry about when it comes to safety: the actions, activities and competence of the other drivers, and the competence and safety of your own rideshare driver.
You can’t control the safety of other drivers. But there are things that you can do about the driver inside your own car.
So how can you ensure that your Uber or Lyft driver is safe, and that it’s safe for you to be in the car with him or her? There is no absolute way of knowing and nobody has a crystal ball, but there are some things you can do to take some basic precautions.
- Look at the vehicle you’re getting into – Certainly, you can’t see internal problems inside a vehicle. But the way a car is maintained on the outside, can indicate how it’s maintained on the inside. Visible signs of damage, especially damage that looks like it may be from an accident (like dented fenders or crumpled front ends) is a sign that maybe the driver isn’t the safest.
- Observe the driver – Look for any signs of impairment. If a driver is impaired, or speech is slurred, or there just seems to be something that is “off” about his or her personality, that could indicate that the driver is under the influence.
Behavior isn’t just an indicator of substance abuse or use—it can also be an indicator that the driver has been driving too long. Dull affect or signs the driver is trying to stay awake, are all indications that you may want to get out of the rideshare.
- Notify others – Many rideshare apps will let you inform others where you are, the car you’re in, and other identifying information about your driver and the car you are in. Remember you are getting into a car with a stranger—treat it as such, and make sure others know your whereabouts.
- Limit personal information – As the driver speaks to you, you may inadvertently disclose things like jobs, finances, addresses, or even just the fact that you live alone. Keep the topics vague, and don’t say anything about your living situation.
- Stay in the back – Yes, this may seem a bit paranoid. But in the event of an emergency, or a situation where the driver is making you feel uncomfortable, being in the back seat keeps you out of the driver’s reach, and could allow you to exit the vehicle (when it’s stopped) without the driver knowing or being able to stop you.
- Seat belts – Just like in your own car, wear your seat belt–and don’t even get into a vehicle where the seat belts aren’t working, or when they are obstructed.
- Identification – Every Uber or Lyft driver is required to display his or her ID or other identifying information. Always make sure that the name and face on the ID matches that of the actual driver. And make a note of the driver’s name, in the event you need it later on.
If you have been injured while in a rideshare, such as an Uber or Lyft, contact us today for help. Call our Boston personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Joseph Linnehan, Jr. today at 617-275-4200.,shared%20with%20passengers%20before%20pickup.