Report Exposes Hidden Cameras in Airbnb Properties

In the movies, people often say that they feel like they are being watched, wherever they are, and in their most private moments. But there’s one place in the real world where that may actually be happening: in Airbnb properties.
Vacation Rental Properties Have Hidden Cameras
Recent reports have surfaced, exposing the fact that many properties that are rented by people through the Airbnb company, have hidden cameras in them. What is worse is that in many instances, the company either denies that is happening, or is apparently looking the other way.
Cameras have been discovered inside Airbnbs, hidden or disguised as everyday items in the homes, like phone chargers, smoke alarms, alarm clocks, electrical outlets or plants. Many allow users to livestream what the cameras are picking up from the users’ (the property owners’) phones. And yes—according to footage obtained by police and the media, many of these cameras are recording private moments by those renting the properties.
A Systemic Problem and a Cover Up?
This is not just a few property owners doing this; it is apparently systemic, with the cameras being placed by the property owners, and with Airbinb admitting the behavior by property owners who use the service to rent their properties.
In a deposition cited in the report, an Arbnb representative testified under oath that there had been over 30,000 complaints of cameras in Airbnb properties in the past 10 years.
In many cases, guests only find out they were recorded when cameras are discovered after many guests have stayed at the same property. And investigations reveal that if hidden cameras are discovered by Airbnb, the company does not contract law enforcement to report the illegal activities.
According to the report, Aibnb actively works to keep this information private, so as not to discourage renters from using Airbnb properties. Airbnb’s position, according to some, is that they have no responsibility for the property owners who illegally use or install hidden cameras, nor can they control whether property owners install cameras or not.
Waivers and Arbitration
On its website, Airbnb requires users seeking properties to waive claims, and to assume any legal risks associated with the rentals.
If there is a lawsuit, that lawsuit must be in the form of arbitration—a process that is private and shielded from the public record, unlike a traditional lawsuit in court, filed in the public records. And like many defendants, in the event cases resolve outside of court, victims are required to sign confidentiality agreements.
Recording is Illegal
In every state in the nation, video and audio recording people without their knowledge or consent anywhere there is an expectation of privacy, like a private house, hotel room, bedroom, or other private areas, is illegal.
Recording people without their consent, in their most private moments, can give rise to invasion of privacy lawsuits, as well as negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress claims. Traumatized victims have recourse when they realize their most private moments have been captured on camera.
Do you have an invasion of privacy claim or a claim involving mental or emotional trauma or distress? Call the Boston personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Joseph Linnehan, Jr. today for help with your case at 617-275-4200.