Recent Blog Posts

Liability When Ice and Snow Cause Accidents
Snow ice and related conditions that come with the winter, are a major cause of accidents in Massachusetts. When they happen and the accidents are caused by icy weather conditions, many people are quick to just blame nature; to throw up their hands and say “nothing anybody could do about that.” But that’s not… Read More »

Self Driving Cars are Coming. The Law May Not be Ready for Them
As the days go by, in the background, car manufacturers inch closer and closer to the day that cars are truly self driving, or autonomous. But as slow as that pace seems to be, it is a lot faster than the pace of the laws that we use to resolve liability and responsibility in… Read More »

Definitions for Common Terms Your Attorney May be Using
Like many other professionals, attorneys often get into the habit of speaking in legal terms, assuming that clients automatically also understand what the lawyer is talking about. If you’re the client who doesn’t understand you can, and should, ask your attorney to explain common terms or meanings. But as a helpful guide, here are… Read More »

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Immunity
Sometimes we are injured on the job or at work, just because our jobs are inherently dangerous, or they expose us to danger. But other times we are injured at work, because someone was careless or negligent. When workers are injured on the job, because of the negligence of their own employer, they face… Read More »

Which Insurance Covers Which Losses?
When you are in an accident, and especially a car accident, there seems to be an alphabet soup worth of insurances that are involved—so many that it can get confusing to even figure out which insurance does what. And since we don’t plan to be in an accident when we take out insurance, we… Read More »

Can You Sue a Tattoo Artist or Tattoo Parlor?
A trip to the tattoo parlor is part of many people’s expression of individualism; a show of artwork as well as a way to decorate themselves in a way that is uniquely their style. But for some, that visit isn’t such a liberating and fun experience. For many, a trip to the tattoo parlor… Read More »

What is a Demand Letter?
Many people believe that once they see their personal injury attorney, a lawsuit will be filed right away. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes, your attorney may want to wait to file a lawsuit, to give the defendant or insurance company the opportunity to offer to settle the case. Why Settle Before Trial?… Read More »

The Role of the Investigator in an Injury Case
When there is an accident, often attorneys will talk about getting an investigator to the scene, or having a private investigator get information. But what does that mean—what does an investigator actually do, in terms of investigating the circumstances of an accident? Why Is an Investigator Needed? Before explaining what an accident investigator does,… Read More »

Is it Legal to Drive With Too Much Caffeine in Your System?
By now it is hopefully obvious to you, the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. But what about caffeine? We often joke about how much caffeine we drink or consume, laughing about how addicted we are, or how important that morning coffee is to us. But could caffeine lead to… Read More »

Constructive Knowledge in a Premises Liability Case
Can you know something without actually knowing it? That sounds like a riddle. But in law, it actually describes the concept of constructive knowledge. The idea of constructive knowledge can be a powerful force, in allowing you to hold a property owner liable for dangerous conditions on property that cause injury to you. What… Read More »