Author Archives: Jay Butchko
How Do Rotator Cuff Injuries Happen?
Let’s say you are in a car accident. At first, you seem fine. You don’t specifically recall hitting any part of the inside of your car. But after a few hours—maybe even a day—you feel a dull ache in your shoulder. It gets worse. In a short time, you are finding that you can’t… Read More »
In a Fall Case, Your Shoes Matter More Than You May Think
When you’re picking out your outfit for the day, you may have given a lot of thought to your shoes (although some of us consider shoes to be more important than others). But while you’re picking out your shoes for style, you may not realize that those shoes could play a very important role… Read More »
Winning a Pedestrian Accident Case is More Difficult Than You Think
There is a misconception that when two cars collide, the case, or winning the case by proving liability, is difficult. Whereas, when a car hits a pedestrian, the case is easy—after all, cars aren’t supposed to hit pedestrians, and pedestrians are so very vulnerable to the impact of a multi-ton vehicle. But in many… Read More »
Victims Can Recover for PTSD After an Accident
The phrase PTSD has taken on different meanings in our culture. People often joke about having PTSD from any number of situations. But PTSD is very real, and very serious—and it can happen to accident victims after almost any kind of accident. The History of PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD was once… Read More »
Ethics, Morals, and Large Jury Verdicts
You hear it in the news: When big verdicts happen, the news outlets trumpet the seemingly outrageous compensation a jury gave to a victim for injuries suffered in an accident. Naysayers on social media or on message boards trumpet the broken legal system, and how ridiculous large verdicts are. But are they? Is a… Read More »
What is an “Eggshell Plaintiff?”
We all have different bodies. We have different musculatures, different medical histories—our insides and our internal systems are as different as how different we look from the outside. Despite that fact, many of us are still surprised that all of our bodies react very differently to the same type of accident or impact on… Read More »
Drowning Doesn’t Look or Sound Like You Think it Does
You may not be a lifeguard, but you may, on occasion, monitor other people in the water—perhaps your kids, or other people’s kids, or even the elderly. You are a good swimmer, and are confident you could help someone in need, especially in a smaller pool. But would you know when to help someone?… Read More »
Understanding Sprains, Strains and Whiplash Injuries
When people are in car accidents, they are sometimes told that they “only” have whiplash. Whiplash is seen as a mild injury—people will make it sound like you are almost fortunate to have it. Yes, certainly, compared to other back injuries, whiplash is less serious. But make no mistake—whiplash is a serious injury, and… Read More »
Myths and Misconceptions About Personal Injury Law
Personal injury law gets a lot of discussion in office lunchrooms, social media, and in other social places. People seem fascinated by personal injury law and cases, and with that fascination, often comes rumors or misconceptions. Let’s take a look at some of the more common myths and misconceptions when it comes to personal… Read More »
Is More Than One Business or Company Liable for Your Injuries?
If you have ever dealt with young children, you will often find that when they do something wrong, the first thing they do is point the finger, and try to blame someone else for what they did wrong. Well, businesses operate the same way. Multiple Possible Defendants The reality is, when we are injured… Read More »