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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Things You May Not Have Known About Medical Malpractice

By Joseph R. Linnehan, Jr. |

There are a lot of misconceptions about medical malpractice, and a lot of things that people think they know about it, that turn out to not be exactly true. Medical malpractice is a very complex area of law, but before you start guessing about what medical malpractice is and is not, here are some… Read More »

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Multiple Cause Accidents: What Are Intervening and Superseding Cases?

By Joseph R. Linnehan, Jr. |

It would be nice if, in every personal injury case, it was always easy to tell who caused a victim’s injuries. A negligent defendant did something wrong, it caused your injuries, and that’s that. But that’s not how the real world actually works. In the real world, in injury cases, there are often multiple… Read More »

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