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Monthly Archives: June 2024


Using Focus Groups and Mock Juries in Injury Trials

By Joseph R. Linnehan, Jr. |

Did you know that many large online streaming services, and many movie studios, use focus groups to screen TV and movies, before they are released to the public? The point is to get a neutral opinion on the show or movie; often the focus group likes, dislikes, or brings up something that the producers… Read More »

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Blind Spots in Large Semi Trucks: Where Are They?

By Joseph R. Linnehan, Jr. |

You would think that when someone is driving one of the largest, most dangerous vehicles on the road, that they would be able to see their surroundings better, not worse, than the rest of us. But when it comes to trucks and truck drivers, you may not be aware of just how little of… Read More »

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What Questions Will You be Asked at Your Deposition?

By Joseph R. Linnehan, Jr. |

Let’s say that your attorney tells you that the other side wants to take your deposition. You know what a deposition is, and even, possibly, how to prepare for it. But you may want to know exactly what kind of questions you can expect to be asked, at your deposition? First, be aware that… Read More »

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Getting Necessary Evidence From Non-Party Witnesses

By Joseph R. Linnehan, Jr. |

In certain kinds of injury cases, it won’t be you the victim, or the Defendant that you’re suing, that may have all of the crucial evidence needed to prove your case or to prove the accident. It may be a third party—a company or person not involved in the accident, that could have information… Read More »

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